Tantal actively collaborates with the community of Santa Rosa de Calamuchita.
We are convinced that the growth of companies must go hand in hand with the development of the community in which they are established, that is why, for a long time Tantal has been actively collaborating with the community of Santa Rosa de Calamuchita.
Tantal Foundation was created with the need to formalize the different activities carried out. This decision allows us, since 2006, to work in an organized way to improve the quality of education and reduce school dropout and failure in our city and region.

The Foundation’s projects and initiatives that seek to motivate the active participation of the educational community are carried out through the participation of a team of professionals and volunteers who work ad-honorem with the conviction that it is through education that people evolve and positively impact the development of society.

Some of the projects that are annually carried out by Tantal Foundation.
Completed Projects
Qualified Engineers
Work Facilities
Worldwide Branches
For further information on specific projects, please contact us:
Email : vtaglioretti@tantal.com
Instagram and Facebook: Fundación Tantal Argentina
Cell phone: +54 3546 478361
TANTAL Argentina
Highway to Yacanto Km 2 – Santa Rosa de Calamuchita – Cordoba
+54 3546 420392 / 422070 – Fax: +54 3546 420797
Adrianópolis Street, 90 – São José dos Pinhais – PR
041 32836909